Programme of Presentations to Macclesfield Canal Society

For 2025 we are trialling holding the January, February and March talks using Zoom. One reason for this is to prevent speakers and audiences having to travel in the difficult winter months. Another reason is that it allows us to get speakers who are not in easy travelling distance of Macclesfield.

Date and time Presenter Subject Venue
Friday, 25 April, 2025 - 19:30 David Kitching A Look at the Peak District Canal in old photos The talk will look at the photographic record of the the Peak Forest Canal, its structures and trade during the period 1900 to the 1950's when it carried limestone coal and textiles. Note talk is a week later than normal because of Good Friday Townley Hall
Friday, 16 May, 2025 - 19:30 David Broome Bring Boats back to Burslem David will talk about the history of Burslem Branch Canal and it's demise in 1961 and then outline the ambitions they have for the future in detail.                                   ,   Townley Hall